Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2016 Summer Museum Challenge

Summer is approaching. Yes, it starts early here in the desert. Ms. V and I made an agreement to challenge ourselves: Visit 15 museums in this summer! That's about one per week which is VERY doable. (Our definition of summer is between May 1st until September 1st.) Oh, and we pay for our own admissions here so FREE is always better.

You are welcome to follow alone and do the challenge with us! let's make this summer super fun!

2016 Summer Museum Challenge: 1 The i.d.e.a. Museum
2016 Summer Museum Challenge: 2 Phoenix Art Museum 

Friday, April 22, 2016

9 reasons why I am teaching Ms. V about money NOW

How many of you wish you had financial class in high school or even mid school? I know I am. My hard waking moment was the night I find myself with a couple of friends and zero dollar in my pocket 10km away from home at 10p.m. I was seventeen at the time. My creative way of finding my way home was, WALKING. And, we walked about two hours and I decided that night, I will ALWAYS have money in my pocket!

Fast forward another seventeen years, I found myself sitting at home but can't afford to chase my dream because I have bills to pay. I was going to a job I didn't love just to make the ends meet. I wish I had learned entrepreneurship when I was young too! Here are top 9 reasons why I am teach Ms. V about money skills NOW...

  1. As a mother, we want to prepare our children for the world at the best of our ability. That's why we choose to spend $90 a month on piano class instead of a dress for ourselves. This is why we hear stories like tiger mom who focuses on her children's academic A LOT. However, I believe emotional intelligent, financial intelligent are equally if not more important than IQ. I want to prepare MS. V by building her money skills while she is young so that money will not be her road block when she want to chase her dream so that she can do what she really enjoy doing.
  2. I am teaching her about money NOW so that she won't wake up on her 21st birthday party having a bad headache. A headache not from drinks the night before but from the student loan that is big enough to buy a house. 
  3. I believe children with money skills are more confident when making decisions with their peers. They are constantly making decisions and sooner or later, they will know that some decisions are better than others.
  4. I teach her money skills NOW so that she knows money is just a tool, no a goal in life. The earlier anyone start to practice at any tool, the better they will get.
  5. Won't be a better idea to teach her NOW by myself than google or someone else telling her how to obtain it when she is curious the most? 
  6. The earlier I teach and help her understand about money and the relation, the earlier she will start her saving. We all know about the compounding affect and how powerful that could be. Why giving ten years or even twenty years away? You can start to do something NOW. 
  7. I want to give her the chance to handle money NOW. It's better to have her go bankrupt for a day or two instead of years in adulthood. 
  8. Money can be an extremely fun way to learn math, histories, presidents and culture in different countries. Everything is globalized nowadays.
  9. Most importantly, teach Ms. V about money NOW so I can relearn myself on daily bases as well. 

You see, there are so many benefits about teaching children about money NOW. Sometimes I feel like we are so focus on taking them to math after class, piano class, and drawing class. Why not start a money class?!  We have been told as a kid to study hard so we can get a better job which pays better ....?!  Why not just go to the root of the problem?! 

Like it? Don't forget to share it!  Let me know what you think below! 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Why I don't give my kid allowance

Ms. V is now six years old. Many money and parenting experts say give them allowance will help them develop money sense. Do you agree? I disagree! 

How can someone develop sense of earning when money just come automatically? Kids might be able to get away with being pretty, we as adults don't. Not even hot celebrities. Many kids got used to parents "supporting" them, so much so they can't live without the support well after the college. Who to blame? The allowance!

We taught Ms. V that we all have responsibilities to fulfill. Those things that we don't want to do, we can pay someone to do. As parents, we buy her necessities, because those are our responsibilities. If she want something, then she has to come up with her own money. Where her money come from? You might ask... From finding things around the house she can help with.

You see, we all get paid to help someone else. Whether it's our boss or our clients. The value is then measured by how much we are getting paid. This is the same way money work around our house. She picks up a job she want to do and get paid depend on how well she does the job. Make sense? It does to us.

Kids nowadays are full of entitlement. It's hard for them to appreciate when they get allowance on a scheduled bases.They never have to need to earn money so they never the chance to practice how. Since they complete the college, we expect them to know exactly how to earn money and land the best paying job there is. Who is being foolish?

Are you still giving your kids allowance? Do yourself and your kids a favor. Stop giving allowance now and hire them as your assistants. Trust me, it is more fun for them anyway.